Monday, January 4, 2010

personal stat- dark chocolate

I've been saving the wrappers from my very favorite chocolate bar,
Chocolove-Dark Chocolate- 55%. In 2009, I consumed 8 bars, 2-3 squares at a time. Consumption of dark chocolate is part of my emotional business plan and is promoted by Jen, my insanely fit friend, who also happens to be a trainer (Spanked by Jen). She swears a little bit of dark chocolate every day, keeps the doctor away. That and exercise.

So, the eight bars of chocolove does not account for all of 2009, just the parts working on Foster Princess. Oh my, and I'm nearly done with my first bar for 2010. At this rate (one bar every six days or so) I should consume about 60 bars this year. Or maybe I should do without and save $240 bucks... hmmm.

I'll save my wrappers and see.

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